
Apt-Get HTTP Proxy — One-Liner

I have a few Debian servers that are behind a firewall and they don’t have direct access to the internet. “Protected Servers”.  I occasionally have to update their packages via a web proxy in the DMZ. I know there a countless ways to do this, but I wanted a one-liner that i can use without having to modify the apt-get application or my hosts default proxy settings.

Hope this helps someone else, cheers!

http_proxy="" apt-get update


PAC File and Web Proxy Auto-Configuration (WPAD) HowTo

Hello! I posted an article a while back on how to use a web proxy to block unwanted content. While this is good and fun, we need an easy way to configure clients to use the proxy. For this article I will be over both PAC file deployments and WPAD deployments. We will use the example proxy server of Let’s go!

First a few common ways clients are configured to use a Web Proxy:

  • Manual configuration — Client manually inputs configuration data into each of their browsers to use the web proxy for each protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc).
  • PAC File –– A PAC(Proxy Auto-configuration) file, is a method where the client’s browser is configured with the location of the PAC file via http:// or https:// to be downloaded automatically .
  • WPAD — WPAD (Web Proxy Automatic Detection) is the automatic and transparent configuration of client’s to use and send their web-traffic to a proxy server. This deployment of PAC files using already existing network protocols such as DNS or DHCP options.
  • GPO — GPO( Group Policy Objects deployments are primarily used in Windows Domain environments. User will obtain proxy configuration automatically through these Group Policy Objects upon log-in. (not-covered in this article)

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VoIP:101 — Getting started with your VoIP Network — Part 1

VoIP networks, VoIP phones, VoIP extensions, VoIP everything. VoIP seems to be one of those black box buzz words that IT pros toss around, like the “CLOUD!” But what is really going on behind the scenes? How does VoIP protocols actually work? How can I setup a Call System? How do I get an outside number people can use to dial me?

This next series of blog posts (Part1, Part2, Part3) are dedicated to walking through the many aspects related to VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) and it’s features.

PART #1 — Laying the foundation for our VoIP network
  • The Lab — Our Network pieces.
  • SIP — Life blood of VoIP
  • FreePBX/Asterisk — Call System Exchange
  • Phone Provisioning (Manual/Auto)
    • Manual Provisioning with Zoiper, Liphone, UbiPhone
    • Auto-provisioning with Cisco 7941G and 7945G (7961G,7965G)
  • Making your first VoIP call!
PART #2 — Call routing, Call numbers, SIP Trunks
  • VoIP SIP Termination — Where VoIP ends and PSTN begins
  • SIP Trunks and DID(external PTSN numbers)
  • Outbound and Inbound Call Routing
  • Optional: Install g729 codec
PART #3 — Ring Groups, Extension Shortcuts, Call Centers, Voicemails, Secure SIP with TLS, etc
  • Ring Groups
  • Extension Speed Dialing
  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response) — useful for Business Directory Prompt
  • Advanced Voicemail Services
  • Securing SIP (TLS and SRTP)
  • Other Cool Features

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Linux — HP Proliant SNMP Agent setup

I wanted to put together a quick post on configuring the hp-snmp-agent and hp-health agents on HP ProLiant servers using Linux. I stumbled across the need for this while working on a project to implement Icinga to monitor server hardware via SNMP.

First things first, check that you are running a compatible HP ProLiant G series. The current stable release of both hp-snmp-agent and hp-helath only work with G5+. This is important to keep in mind because I ran into this issue when trying to install both agents on a G4 Proliant. The dpkg install would fail because it cannot start the hp-health agent under a G4 Proliant. I am installing the agents ontop of Debian 7.

Let’s download the packages, check for latest versions

cd /root 
mkdir hp-agents 
cd hp-agents 

You will need snmp, snmpd, and some other library files before install the packages.

apt-get install snmpd snmp lib32gcc1 libc6-i386 libsnmp30

Now install the two(2) agents. Start with hp-health first, then install hp-snmp-agent

dpkg -i hp-health*.deb 
dpkg -i hp-snmp-agents*.deb

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Squid Proxy — Transparent SSL Web Proxy redirection using WCCP, Cisco ASA, and Squid 3.4+

I’ve posted a few articles on how to set up a Forwarding Proxy using Squid, and using benefits like caching and content blocking (Ads, adult, gambling, etc). This can bring centralized web security and delivery to you and your users.  However, users need to be expliclty configured to use the Proxy service. This means having their web browser like Firefox or even Internet Explorer set with the DNS or IP address of the Proxy server. This can be an issue if youhave little or no management of the user’s Web Browsers configuration.  This is where a content-routing protocol like WCCP(Web Cache Communication Protocol) comes into play. With WCCP we can influence specific user traffic to be encapsulated and re-routed to your Proxy server. The difference between this and some of the other ways to force web traffic to your Proxy server(like iptables redirection) is the original Web packet generated by the user’s device is not altered. Instead it is encapsulated when it reaches your WCCP receiver running on an upstream egress router(user gateway towards Internet). It is then re-routed via this encapsulation to your Proxy server which is WCCP aware.

Before we begin, you will need a few things:

  • Squid Proxy Server 3.4+ compiled with WCCP
  • Router or Security device capable of running the WCCPv2 service(See vendor list here…)
  • Some knowledge of Web Proxy Technology.
  • A Web Browser to test with.
  • Your favorite beverage and some patients.


Notice: Cisco ASA only supports having the user subnet(s) and the cache-engine(Squid Proxy server) behind the same Cisco ASA interface(inside,dmz,outside,etc). The reason for this is the WCCP processing on the ASA happens after interface ACL, meaning for example ACL on your inside interface are processed before any WCCP manipulation can begin.

  1. User requests a web resource on outside interface(usually the Internet) of Router/Firewall.
  2. WCCP Server (Router/Firewall) catches this interesting traffic(traffic we want to redirect) and encapsulates it within a GRE tunnel to the WCCP Client(Squid Proxy Server) on the other end of the tunnel.
  3. WCCP Client (Squid Proxy Server) decapsulates the GRE payload and fetches the original client request just like an ordinary Web Proxy would.
  4. WCCP Client receives a response from the external web server.
  5. WCCP Client (Squid Proxy Server) serves the web page back to the original User by spoofing the source IP address(This is key). Spoofing is done by rewriting the source IP address field of the packet with the External Resource’s IP address. This makes it look like the packet the user receives is from the external web site.

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Linux — Reset ethX naming for Ubuntu/Debian

I stumbled across this issue a long time ago and it is still present today. Adding or removing NIC’s from a Linux box, or even replacing them renumbers or messes with the numbering for each NIC. For example if you have 1 NIC and add a second, sometimes it won’t show up as eth0 and eth1, it will show up as eth0 and rename1. Or even sometimes, your original eth0 will be renamed to rename1 and the new NIC will be named eth0 when added. Yikes! Talk about confusion.

It appears that this naming information is stored in a file located in  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

So if you want to reset the numbering completely, delete this file and reboot! Now you have clean eth# numbering again!

rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules 


NOTE: You can also manipulate and edit this file rather than deleting it.

Reset Windows Administrator and the Linux Root passwords with Pictures!!

Resetting the Windows administrator’s password or Linux root account password is a common troubleshooting practice when faced with systems infected with mailware, data corruption, and system recoveries. This article does not prompt malicious use, but instead stress the point that an account password does not protect your data.
In principle, passwords are stored locally, anything stored locally can be obtained and modified by slaving that physical data. For example, a hard drive can be removed, added to a different computer already running it’s own OS. That drive will now show up as a slave drive and the contents easily accessible. The following tutorial does not use any third party tools, and only relies on the initial media used to install the OS.

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Linux Fibre Channel SCSI Target using SCST

Fibre channel or Fiber Channel is also another way to present SCSI devices over a network medium using a complete different protocol suite then my previous article on iSCSI. With Fiber Channel transfer speeds and protocol delivery is much faster than iSCSI. The fundamental difference between the two is iSCSI uses TCP/IP protocol suite to deliver SCSI messages, and Fiber Channel uses Fiber channel to deliver SCSI message. This means that you will have to have network equipment that is Fiber Channel capable, such as Fiber Channel switches, Fiber Channel HBA (similar to TCP/IP NICs), etc. For the purposes of this article I will not go into how Fiber Channel works, or how it does it’s job of delivering SCSI messages two and from SCSI initiators and SCSI targets. This article will step through how to turn a Linux machine into a Fiber channel SCSI Target. There are a few things you will need to even attempt this:

  • A Linux machine running Kernel 3.2+
  • SCST and SCSTAdmin (see below steps)
  • A separate machine that will act as a Fiber channel initiator, this can be another Linux machine, or an ESX host, etc
  • At least two(2) Fiber channel HBA’s with one physical WWN port each installed in both machines
  • A OM2 or 3 Multi-mode Fiber cable with connectors capable of being used with the HBAs
  • Enough disk space to create a Virtual Disk so we may present it as a LUN
  • And lastly, some excitement!! you are about to enter the new world of Fiber Channel!!

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F5 BIGIP — Alternative using HAProxy and keepalived — Part 2

Okay we’re back!! Welcome to Part#2. If you’ve read my last post in this high availability and load balancing series(Part#1) you understand the need for HAProxy to complete our setup. If you recall, I am looking for a alternative solution to BIGIP F5 LTMs products. These products provide both high-availability fail-over via a Floating IP between LTMs, and the Load Balancing of requests to service endpoints. In the previous post, we managed to tackle the former part and provide High Availability, but not the Load Balancing part.

To complete this alternative we now add HAProxy into our setup.
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